Ewan turned a year old October 22nd but we did not officially celebrate until Sunday the 26th. Here are some pictures of him eating cake and opening some gifts. We are happy he is healthy and that the reflux finally went away! People comment on how fast this year went by and I just smile and nod, to tell the truth I NEVER thought we would get to this point! I am happy he is a happy wild and crazy baby who actually eats now!!! He is a special spirit and he livens up our lives.
2 years ago
Max has that farm animal magnet toy. He likes it. "You put a horse in front and a pig in back and what do you have?" I wish they have a jungle version so you could make a liger!
Happy Birthday Ewan! What a cutie he is. Congrats on getting through the reflux.
That little guy is so cute! I can't believe he's one!
I can't believe he's one! I'm just grateful that you were able to survive!
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