Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So long farewell...

Zana,Lia,David, and Ewan

Anne pregnant and all!

I did it! (crossed the wake that is)

Kelli water skiing, she rocks!

Lacey, Tyler, Leif and kiddo's on the boat.

Last week we had a boat day/BB-Q for our good friends Lacey and Tyler. Sadly Tyler has accepted a job in Houston so they will be leaving us at the end of the month. We had a great time and we will miss them.


Kara said...

looks like so much fun! I miss our boat! My parents always had a boat growing up then when they sold boat#3, they thought they were done. It has been 4 yrs, I think, and now they want to by another one :) We need to have a family get together with all the cousins. I feel like I don't even know cousins on Brent's side. We should go to a lake!

Tiffany Buhman said...

This looks like a ton of fun! Good job on the wake, they can be killers :o)